This Day In History

Jesus was crucified. The Creator took the fall for the created. The Innocent One bore the punishment for the convicted ; and the Saviour of all mankind spread open His arms in love for you and I, when He died on the cross- lifting the heavy weight of our sins onto Himself.

Hellelujah the story doesn't end there...

Three days later, He rose again and from that day on, the cross we are asked to carry is no longer heavy.

I've heard it said before that the nails didn't hold him to the cross... Love did. So when you listen to the Easter story this year and pass over the name 'Simon of Cyrene', remember this: 

"My yoke is easy and my burden is light"... Matthew 11:30

I pray that this Easter season for you and your family is filled with stories of salvation, with a revelation of the significance of the cross and the incredible depth of His love.


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