Let's All Be Brave

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. — James 1:17 NIV

Everything you have, from your health to your friendships to a roof over your head to the food in your belly, is a gift from God. And we even have something else to be thankful for: that

God doesn’t change! I love that about Him.

We can hold tight to our never-changing God and be okay because, in every other area of life, change is pretty much guaranteed. And you know what?

Brave people are willing to let go of everything as they hold tight to God, even when things start to change.

In the last three months, I have seen the most change in my personal and professional life that I’ve ever had. For my counselor, I listed every North Star person (you know, a person who is important to you and gives you guidance) who has left my life in the last three months, and the number is seven. Seven.

And you know what? It’s okay.

If I chose to live in a world where I hated change all the time, I would be really miserable. If I chose to put all my hope in people, I would be really miserable. (I’ve tried both. It’s always miserable.)

I don’t love change, but I know that God is always working for my good. So, I can say, “Man, this is the worst!” But I have a totally trustworthy God who is looking out for me.

Does God need a reminder that He has all this under control? No, friend. He doesn’t. You do. I definitely do. We all do.

Remembering that He’s the boss and His plans are for our good and He loves us? That can make us brave, even when everything that felt secure seems to be changing.

Be Brave: List a few changes you’ve seen in your life lately. How are you seeing God use these changes to shape you?

Excerpted from 
Let’s All Be Brave by Annie Downs.

Hear from Annie about Let's All Be Brave

Embark on a journey with writer, speaker, and blogger Annie Downs to discover the call to courage that exists in each of our lives and to experience how the world is changed when we consistently follow God’s path and choose to be brave.

Save on this book today!

Annie Downs admits she’s not exactly the bravest girl in the world. She still cries sometimes when she leaves her parents’ home in Georgia, she’s never jumped out of a plane, and she only rides roller coasters to impress boys. But Annie knows that courage resides inside each and every one of us, and she’s on a mission to triumph over her own fears while encouraging the reader to do the same.

As a single young woman, writer, speaker, and blogger, Annie Downs shares her journey toward bravery with honesty and humor. Using wonderful stories from her own life, contemporary real-life examples, and fascinating historical and biblical references, Annie encourages readers to grab hold of the brave life that they desperately desire.

How often does fear hold us back from the very things we most want to taste, touch, and experience? The call to be brave isn’t just for one person—it’s for everyone. 
Let’s All Be Brave is more than a book, it’s a battle cry. Annie challenges us to live boldly, she calls us to step into those places that require courage, and she gives us the help to take the next step forward—even when it’s scary.

This non-fiction, essay-driven book opens the door to many different views of courage—nudging, encouraging, and inspiring readers to be brave whenever given the chance.

Let’s All Be Brave features:

• Funny/interesting stories that draw readers into each chapter

• God’s surprising answers to finding courage and boldness

• Challenging questions and advice to help readers make real-life changes to live fully and glorify God more every day.


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