Jesus > Religion

Relax; you don’t have to have it all figured out.

All you need to do is come to Him. If you’re thinking, I have nothing to give or nothing to offer Jesus right now, that’s exactly where He wants you. He just wants dependency; He just wants you.

You don’t have to clean yourself up to come to Jesus. You come to Jesus, and He cleans you up.

I can’t imagine what you are going through right now — trials, suffering, heartache, pain. But I can tell you that whatever it is, it’s not too big for God. His grace can cover it, and your heart can be made new. In those times when I felt like I was drowning, I thought God was off in a distant land. Later I realized that’s when He is most near.

He’s near you too.

I heard a story awhile back about some friends who went swimming in a river. It was spring, and the glacier runoff had made the river pretty dangerous. Nonetheless one of the guys jumped in, got caught in the current, and was taken to the dangerous part of the rapids. One of his friends on the shore was a lifeguard, and all the other friends looked at him to do something. He just stood there, though, not moving, just staring at his friend. The others began to panic and yell at him and tell him to go save his friend! Still nothing. They looked out into the river and saw their friend struggling desperately.

In an instant, though, the struggle stopped. He could no longer fight and began to drown. When that happened, the lifeguard jumped in and with a few swift strokes rescued the friend and brought him to shore. With the adrenaline wearing off, the group yelled at the lifeguard, “Why didn’t you jump in earlier? He could’ve died!”

He calmly looked at them and said, “I had to wait until he fully gave up. Unless he stopped fighting, he would have dragged me under and drowned me with him. But the minute he gave up, I could save him.”

That’s what it’s like with Jesus. He just wants us to surrender, and when we do, He comes and gets us. The waves might be crashing overhead, but in that moment, when it looks like we might die, His grace scoops us up and brings us life. And because we finally give up, we know it was Him who did all the saving.

Will you surrender?

I don’t know where you are or where you’re coming from, but I know Jesus has a better plan for your life than you do. He is a better king of your life than you are. No one has caused me more hurt, shame, guilt, and pain than me. He knows, and He rescues me. He can do the same for you.

Just come as you are.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me — watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. — Matthew 11:28-30

Excerpted from 
Jesus > Religion by Jefferson Bethke.

Hear the poem by Jefferson Bethke that inspired his book, Jesus > Religion

Author & spoken-word poet Jefferson Bethke challenges you to look beyond habits, traditions and trends and re-encounter the person at the heart of the gospel: Jesus Christ. 
Save on this book today!

"Jefferson's writings will encourage, educate, and inspire you to see Jesus as more than a man who followed all the rules and demands that you do likewise. You will be asked to see Jesus as your ultimate hope and satisfaction in this world and the world to come."

— Words from Lecrae from the Foreword of Jesus > Religion


Jefferson Bethke burst into the cultural conversation in 2012 with a passionate, provocative poem titled “
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus.” The 4-minute video literally became an overnight sensation, with 7 million YouTube views in its first 48 hours (and 23+ million in a year). The message blew up on social-media, triggering an avalanche of responses running the gamut from encouraged to enraged.

Jesus > Religion, Bethke unpacks similar contrasts that he drew in the poem—highlighting the difference between teeth gritting and grace, law and love, performance and peace, despair and hope. With refreshing candor he delves into the motivation behind his message, including chapters with titles like:

  • Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
  • Religion Makes Enemies / Jesus Makes Friends
  • With Religion There Are Good and Bad People / With Jesus, There Are Only Bad People in Need of Grace
  • Religion Points to a Dim Future / Jesus Points to a Bright Future

Bethke is quick to acknowledge that he’s not a pastor or theologian, but simply a regular, twenty-something who cried out for a life greater than the one for which he had settled. Along his journey, Bethke discovered the real Jesus, who beckoned him beyond the props of false religion.

Learn more and get the book>


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