
Identity in Christ

If we are children, then we are heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. — Romans 8:17

The Waltons… The Du Ponts… These are some of the wealthiest families in the world, and their descendants will be heirs to immense fortunes. But according to the Bible, those who are “heirs of God,” people who have named Jesus their Savior and been adopted into God’s family, will receive the most valuable fortune. They are co-heirs with Christ.

Preacher J. C. Ryle considered this glorious inheritance of God’s children the only inheritance worth having because, unlike earthly inheritances, it won’t disappoint; it will last for eternity; and it is within our reach the way riches and renown may not be.

Unfortunately, Scripture says we will also share in Jesus’ sufferings.

If your circumstances are difficult, remember that Jesus knew suffering far more intense than what we will experience.

Paul knew true sufferings, too, but in light of the hope he had, he wrote,

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
 — Romans 8:18

That can be your hope too.

“I believe I am significant because of my position as a child of God.”



I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. — Philippians 4:12

Paul shared his secrets to being content in letters he wrote while in prison. He tells us we can experience joy in all life situations.

Discouraging past? Paul persecuted Christians before he met Jesus. Your past couldn’t be as hard to overcome as his! He names himself the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).

People pulling you down? Ever thought others may feel that way about you? Paul reminds us we were all sinners until Jesus gave us life (Colossians 2:13).

“Doing without” a lot of things? Paul could identify. But even when he enjoyed seasons of plenty, they were not the source of his joy; his relationship with Jesus was.

Don’t find joy in your stuff; rather add your stuff to the joy you have in Christ.

Circumstances can change anyone’s mood quickly. Paul said to endure with patience and joyfully give thanks to

the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His… kingdom. — Colossians 1:12

Get your eyes off your circumstances and remember God’s promise.

Sometime this week read Paul’s words on joy and discover his secret.

“Despite my circumstances, I feel inner contentment and understand my purpose in life.”

Excerpted from 
Believe 365-Day Devotional by Randy and Rozanne Frazee.

Go from knowing the story of the Bible to living it. The Believe 365-Day Devotional is the perfect way to explore what you believe, how to live out those beliefs, and who you can become when you are deeply rooted in Christ.
Save on this book today!

God invites us to be shaped through His Word, so we look to Scripture and spend devotional time searching for answers to these three crucial questions: What do I believe? What should I do? Who am I becoming?

Let God guide you in thinking, acting, and becoming like Jesus through these 365 powerful devotions. Randy and Rozanne Frazee walk you through the key beliefs, practices, and virtues of the Christian faith. You’ll explore these over the course of a year through 
daily devotions, written-out Scriptures, and a short quotation to reflect on throughout the day.

Believe Devotional will help you along the journey to renew your mind, practice your faith, and be transformed—to live more like Jesus.



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