The Respect Dare

That your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. — Philippians 1:9-11 NKJV

So often we live in the moment and forget how far we’ve come. We do this by expecting our kids to be more mature than they are and by forgetting that our spouses are not perfect. Today’s story depicts one woman’s remembrance and recognition of what is still true, even though she long ago forgot.

Crystal sat and looked at the questions for the assignment and drew a blank. Thirteen years had gone by, and she literally couldn’t remember why she had married her husband. Three children graced their lives, and she and David were busy parenting, busy with work, and generally exhausted.

Pen in hand, she pondered the question, “What five attributes or strengths were reasons enough for you to marry your husband?” Thirteen years was a long time. “intelligence,” she thought, remembering the moments when he had impressed her with his business knowledge. “Good with kids,” she wrote for number two. She smiled as she remembered the little boy in the apartment next to his that David would play with on Saturday mornings. “Passionate” became number three, as Crystal remembered their first kiss and the first few years of their marriage. she started to laugh, remembering how they could barely make it up the stairs to the bedroom before… well, anyway! “Adventurous,” she wrote next, thinking of the long drives they took and how he never wanted to eat at the same restaurant twice. “Responsible” became number five. Crystal found herself smiling as she remembered her friend Joan’s complaints this morning about her husband not paying the electric bill and their power being shut off.

Looking at the list, she realized that her husband was, for the most part, the same guy she’d married. Those strengths were still present in him; she just hadn’t taken the time to recognize them recently. Her husband really was a good-natured man, with good intentions. . . . She took a moment to thank God for the man he had given her.

Bottom Line: Wisdom comes from seeing the truth in the big picture and not allowing your perceptions to be clouded by life’s daily challenges.

Excerpted from 
The Respect Dare by Nina Roesner.


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The Respect Dare ~ 40 Days To A Deeper Connection With God And Your Husband
by Nina Roesner
The Respect Dare is a 40-day guide that will take away the confusion to develop a more intimate connection with your husband and God through a series of daily challenges. 

Save on this book today!

"This book has been life changing to me and my marriage relationship and my relationship with Christ. I have done the study multiple times and each time I'm in a different place and continue grow and be stretched!"

— Jessica T., reader


“A long and happy marriage.” It sounds like the end of a fairy tale—an illusion that modern times have exposed.

And it is, if marriage depends on a constant stream of romantic emotion, or even on copious amounts of time or money. Thank the Lord, none of those are necessary. Two thousand years ago, Paul gave women the key to a successful marriage, and it can be summed up in two words: unconditional respect. It’s not popular. It doesn’t sound fair. It can be hard to imagine.

But it works.

Nina Roesner has led countless women through this practical and life-changing journey, and in The Respect Dare she offers you the hope that so many others have found. Day by day, true stories and thought-provoking questions will help you apply biblical wisdom to the most important relationship in your life. The book is filled with stories of struggle and success, and many practical applications of respect that have dramatically impacted marriages.

Give it forty days. Experience the intimacy God intended and discover what he can do in your heart and in your marriage when you choose to show respect his way.



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