He Qualifies The Called

Read Exodus 4:10-13

God called Moses to rescue His people from slavery in Egypt. But Moses felt his lack of speaking skills disqualified him from pursuing God’s plan.

God saw it another way.

Called to Rescue

There is only one Rescuer with the power to free us from the darkest prison. That Rescuer is the God who loves us so much He left everything to come for us, to free us.

He is the one who made us, each of us, for a unique purpose and a magnificent destiny.

His plans are for good, not for evil. His ways are straight and merciful. He came to give me a hope and a future —and to give you one too. His promises are true. His love is full of forgiveness and peace, joy and kindness, grace. He is the true Rescuer. He saves us from any prison, whether physical or emotional or spiritual, the ones we’re forced into and the ones we fall into on our own. He chooses us. He loves us without condition, unrelentingly, forever.

He loves us broken, and He loves making us whole again. And He asks those of us who love Him to love others the same way. To choose them. To be agents of His hope, His forgiveness, His grace. He asks us to join Him in rescuing others.

So why don’t we?

There are reasons why when we hear God’s call, when we feel that gentle urging of God’s Spirit for us to make a bold step, take a risk, serve others, save a life, commit — we so often hold back.

It may be because we don’t feel qualified.

We think we lack the courage, the strength, the wisdom, the money, the experience, the education, the organization, the backing.

We feel like Moses when, from out of the burning bush, God called him to speak for him before Pharaoh. And Moses answered, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent… I am slow of speech and tongue… Please send someone else” (Exodus 4:10-13).

Not me, God. I’m afraid. Weak. Poor. Stupid. Unqualified. Daunted.

Not long ago, that is exactly how I would have responded.

But it has never been my desire to be daunted, to be afraid, to be unable to respond to God’s call. Is it yours? I doubt it. Just as God gave Moses exactly what he needed to accomplish great things, He will equip us in the same way.

If He calls us to slay giants, He will make us into giant slayers.

God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.

Excerpted from 
Undaunted by Christine Caine.

Hear from Christine Caine about Undaunted

Christine Caine offers life-transforming insights about how not only to overcome the challenges, wrong turns, and often painful circumstances we all experience, but also to actually grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered to help others. 
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Christine Caine offers life-transforming insights about how not only to overcome the challenges, wrong turns, and often painful circumstances we all experience, but also to actually grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered to help others. 

She issues a personal, direct call-to-action: Be the love. Bring the hope. Be the change.

Using her own dramatic life story, Caine shows how God rescued her from a life where she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified. She tells how she overcame abuse, abandonment, fears, and other challenges to go on a mission of adventure, fueled by faith and filled with love and courage. 

Chapter titles include:

  • God Knows My Name
  • God Knows My Pain
  • God Knows My Fear
  • God Knows My Destiny

Her personal stories inspire readers to hear their name called, just as Christine heard her own—“You are beloved. You are the hope. You are chosen”—to go into a dark and troubled world, knowing each of us possess all it takes to bring hope, create change, and live completely for Christ.

Part inspirational tale, part manifesto to stir readers to lives of adventure, Undaunted shows the way with spiritual wisdom and insight.

Learn more about the book >
Undaunted is filled with compelling stories and life-changing revelation. It will challenge you to let the light and hope of Christ shine through you into the dark places of this world.” 

Joyce Meyer, Bible teacher and bestselling author


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