Jesus Always

Come rest with Me, beloved. Though many tasks are calling to you, urging you to put them first, I know what you need most: to be still in My Presence. Take some deep breaths, and fix your gaze on Me. As you return your attention to Me, let your concerns roll off — like water off a duck’s back. This enables you to relax and enjoy My nearness. I am never far from you!

Meditate on Scripture; search for Me in the Bible. Let these words of grace and truth soak into the depths of your soul and draw you closer to Me. My Word is living and active, so it can infuse fresh life into you.

When it is time to return to your tasks, bring Me into those activities. Include Me in your plans and problem-solving. I am relevant to everything you do, say, and think. Whisper My Name, “Jesus,” in sweet remembrance of My nearness. In everything you do, put Me first, for I am the Lord of your life.

Psalm 46:10; Hebrews 4:12 ESV; Proverbs 3:6 TLB

Be still, and know that I am God. Most Christians are familiar with this command, but not so many take it seriously. Yet for those who do, blessings flow like streams of living water. As these believers sit in stillness — focusing on Me and My Word — their perception of Me expands and their troubles shrink in importance.

I want you to share in these blessings, beloved. Take time, take time with Me. While you rest in My Presence, I untangle your thoughts and help you view things more biblically. Remember: My Word is a lamp to guide your feet and a light for your path. Biblical thinking illuminates the path before you so you can find your way.

It’s crucial to know not only that I am God but that I made you and you are Mine. You are a sheep of My pasture. Sheep have very limited understanding of what their shepherd is doing for them, but they follow him anyway. Similarly, as My “sheep,” your job is to trust Me and follow wherever I lead.

Psalm 46:10 NKJV; John 7:38; Psalm 119:105 NLT; Psalm 100:3

Excerpted from 
Jesus Always by Sarah Young.

Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of joy for today and every day. Jesus Always focuses on the biblical teaching of the joy we can experience at any time and in all circumstances.
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"I am keeping this in my desk drawer for when I need some extra encouragement at work. If you have never read a devotional by Sarah Young, this one could be life-changing for you."

— Teresa, reader


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