Seven Virtues of Manhood 6

“Clear Vision”

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12

I don’t know what version of the Bible you’re using to read today’s Scripture verse, but mine says that “violent men” take the kingdom of heaven “by force.” What a bold description! The first-century church had issues, just like the church does today, but they were full steam ahead. They had a clear picture of what they wanted—God’s reign—and they went after it.

The sixth virtue of manhood is a clear vision.

Men need something to fight for, something to fight against. It’s how we survive the storms that are bound to batter us now and then. Without a vision, a man will waste his life. But with a clear vision, he’s a force to be reckoned with.

Do you have a mission statement for your life?

What about a vision statement for your marriage?

How about core values for your family?

Or what about life goals or a life plan?

You can’t play the man without a vision any more than you can play piano without a piano or play football without a football.

I love the classic scene from The Blues Brothers when Elwood Blues announces: “We’re on a mission from God.” It’s a mission from God that keeps us on the straight and narrow. When we are busy with the Father’s business, we can’t be sidetracked. A mission from God not only motivates us to do the right thing, but it also demotivates us from doing the wrong thing.

If you aren’t on a mission from God, you aren’t really living—you’re dying. You aren’t just wasting your God-given potential, you’re wasting space. You’re dead weight.

You need a vision for a mission. Ask God to give it to you. Pray, fast, study—whatever it takes, don’t stop until you have your vision. Then write it down and never forget it or stop pursuing it with all the “violence” of your God-given determination.

What is your purpose for the remaining years God will give you on this earth?

*** A YouVersion devotional based on the book Play The Man by Mark Batterson.

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