Love Does Challenge {Day 5}
Love Does Challenge Day 5: Put Love Into Action
For the past several days, you have been prompted to engage in some very practical activities designed to put love into action. Heretofore, these Love Does Challenge activities have been provided for you. Today, it’s your turn.
Consider this question: Which of the world’s problems makes you feel the most overwhelmed because it is so big and complicated? Where are God’s people hurting in the world and what if your next move could be to do something big about it?
Your Final Challenge
For the next 5 – 10 minutes, use your computer or smartphone to research a problem you think is overwhelming. Jot down some notes on the size and scope of the problem as well as anything you discover about how to help. Then cook up the biggest, most audacious scheme you can think of to help be part of the solution to this problem.
Now, go and share with a friend the problem and the audacious solution. Then, together, brainstorm what your “next step” can be. The goal is for you to have one concrete action that you can take to live out a life where “Love Does.”
As Bob writes in the epilogue to Love Does…
What’s your next step? Pick something you aren’t just able to do; instead, pick something you feel like you were made to do and then do lots of that. You weren’t just an incredible idea that God never got around to making. The next step happened for the world when God dropped you on the planet. You’re here and I’m here. God decided to have us intersect history, not at just any time, but at this time.
He made us to be good at a few things and bad at a couple others. He made us to love some things and not like others. Most of all, He made us to dream. We were meant to dream a lot. We’re not just a cosmic biology experiment that ended up working. We’re part of God’s much bigger plan for the whole world. Just like God’s Son arrived here, so did you. And after Jesus arrived, God whispered to all of humanity . . . “It’s your move.” Heaven’s been leaning over the rails in the same way ever since you got here, waiting to see what you’ll do with your life.

For the past several days, you have been prompted to engage in some very practical activities designed to put love into action. Heretofore, these Love Does Challenge activities have been provided for you. Today, it’s your turn.
Consider this question: Which of the world’s problems makes you feel the most overwhelmed because it is so big and complicated? Where are God’s people hurting in the world and what if your next move could be to do something big about it?
Your Final Challenge
For the next 5 – 10 minutes, use your computer or smartphone to research a problem you think is overwhelming. Jot down some notes on the size and scope of the problem as well as anything you discover about how to help. Then cook up the biggest, most audacious scheme you can think of to help be part of the solution to this problem.
Now, go and share with a friend the problem and the audacious solution. Then, together, brainstorm what your “next step” can be. The goal is for you to have one concrete action that you can take to live out a life where “Love Does.”
As Bob writes in the epilogue to Love Does…
What’s your next step? Pick something you aren’t just able to do; instead, pick something you feel like you were made to do and then do lots of that. You weren’t just an incredible idea that God never got around to making. The next step happened for the world when God dropped you on the planet. You’re here and I’m here. God decided to have us intersect history, not at just any time, but at this time.
He made us to be good at a few things and bad at a couple others. He made us to love some things and not like others. Most of all, He made us to dream. We were meant to dream a lot. We’re not just a cosmic biology experiment that ended up working. We’re part of God’s much bigger plan for the whole world. Just like God’s Son arrived here, so did you. And after Jesus arrived, God whispered to all of humanity . . . “It’s your move.” Heaven’s been leaning over the rails in the same way ever since you got here, waiting to see what you’ll do with your life.

About the Book
What would life look like if you started to dream big and make life more awesome?
If you unlocked your potential to love and be loved greater?
What goals and dreams have you been putting off out of fear or the thought that you can't do it, that it's too hard?
Chances are, Love Does can talk you out of your self doubt and send you charging into your next adventure...
If you unlocked your potential to love and be loved greater?
What goals and dreams have you been putting off out of fear or the thought that you can't do it, that it's too hard?
Chances are, Love Does can talk you out of your self doubt and send you charging into your next adventure...
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