Once-a-Day Devotional for Women

Hannah's Praises

My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance. There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. – 1 Samuel 2:1-2

During this Advent season you will probably hear a reading of Mary’s prayer, in which she thanks and praises God for allowing her to bear Jesus, God’s Son (Luke 1:46-55). Her ancestor Hannah had the same feelings of gratitude towards God and shared the same prayer (1 Samuel 2:1-2). Both of them were linked across the centuries as women who gave birth to special babies — the prophet Samuel to infertile Hannah, and Jesus to the virgin Mary. Hannah’s prayer rings with amazement over God’s miraculous intervention in her life. Her celebration of God in prayer was her answer to her enemies — the Lord himself had answered her request for a son.

In our prayers, we should imitate Hannah’s example by looking for the ways God has blessed us. Our praise for God’s work in our lives is the best testimony to others. What will capture people’s attention is not the size of God’s answers, but the fact that God does answer prayer. Find ways this week to tell others how God has answered your prayers.


Dear Lord, oh how You have blessed me! My heart rejoices in You…

*** Excerpt from Once-a-Day Devotional for Women.


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