Being Still with God Every Day

There was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man was just and devout... and the Holy Spirit was upon him. - Luke 2:25

When God is at work in the lives of believers, His Spirit of wisdom and truth infuses them with insight and understanding that come directly from Him.

Simeon is a case in point...

The Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that “he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ” (v. 26). When the Spirit led Simeon to go to the temple one day, Simeon obeyed—and God fulfilled His promise.

Mary and Joseph arrived with the holy Child, and Simeon was privileged to hold the young Jesus. “My eyes have seen Your salvation,” Simeon sang his praises to God (v. 30). The older man blessed the Babe whose life would change the course of history...

The longer we serve God — and Simeon had served Him for decades — the more intimately acquainted with Him we become. When God has access to our heart, mind, and soul through years of fellowship and worship, He allows us to see more of His activity and to be more involved in His miraculous work. Stay alert! God is at work all around you!

*** Excerpt from Being Still with God Every Day by Henry Blackaby and Richard Blackaby.


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