Hope for Each Day

It would have been logical to expect God to tear open the Heavens and descend to Earth in majesty and power on that first Christmas night — but He didn’t. Instead, on that quiet night in Bethlehem, a virgin mother lay her newborn Baby in a manger designed to feed cattle. The lowing cows, the sweet-smelling hay, and the dark sky illumined by a magnificent star provided the setting. Humble shepherds joined the carpenter husband to witness the miracle and praise God.

The most significant drama of the centuries was unfolding — the drama of salvation that would ultimately take this Child to the cross.

Truly, God works in mysterious ways. The wheels of His mercy and justice move quietly, but they do move. The birth of Jesus Christ — the Son of God, our Savior — went unnoticed by the vast majority of the world that first Christmas night, but no event in human history was more significant. May His birth — and all it means — not go unnoticed in our lives!

*** Excerpted from Hope for Each Day: Morning and Evening Devotions by Billy Graham.


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