365 Devotions for Peace

Be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. — James 5:7–8

As Christmas Day approaches, you can feel the excitement building. The children are out of school, family begins to arrive, last-minute packages are wrapped. But what if, by declaration of Congress, Christmas Day were delayed? How long would the anticipation hold?

The disciples were certain Jesus would return shortly. Yet as the years passed, these faithful found it harder to hold on to that belief. James wrote to encourage them. He likened their wait for Jesus’ return to a farmer who patiently waits for his crops to grow. If you, like those first disciples, grow weary in waiting for the Lord’s Second Coming, take a cue from the farmer. He doesn’t stand in the field and stare at the ground, watching for the first sprout to push through the soil. Instead, the farmer keeps busy every day with the tasks at hand.

So stay busy doing the good things God has called you to do while you wait for Jesus’ return.

Help me to wait for Your Second Coming with the same anticipation we wait for Christmas Day. When You return, may You find me busy doing what You called me to do. Amen.

*** Excerpt from 365 Devotions for Peace by Cheri Cowell.


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