
Showing posts from December, 2016

Destined to Win

“You are the light of the world…” — Matthew 5:14 Greatness and fame are terms often confused or even used inter-changeably. Fame is usually the result of some popular act: a ball is caught, a song is sung, a book is written, or a character is played. But greatness cannot be reduced to an action or an event. Kingdom greatness is measured long after the crowds have dispersed, the applause has silenced, and the stage lights have cooled, because true greatness lies deep in the heart of every person. In fact, genuine greatness is most often exposed in the dark times, in the secret places, and in the alone hours of a believer’s existence. It is in these desert seasons that the seedbeds of God’s greatness, the attributes we need to cultivate, are conceived. It is later — often much later — that the results are revealed to the world. Humility and greatness walk hand-in hand. That’s right, true humility is fully connected to being rewarded. Most of us know Matthew 23:12 says that, Wh

Living Life Undaunted

And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me — holy is his name.” — Luke 1:46-49 I’ve always been deeply moved by Mary’s faith. Not only did she accept her divine assignment, she did it willingly with thanksgiving and praise. After Elizabeth blessed her, Mary began to declare the goodness and faithfulness of God. She did not accept her purpose begrudgingly but with passion and humility. She considered that to obey the call of God was an honor and not a burden. She gave all the glory to God, proclaimed his goodness and faithfulness, and even declared, “From now on all generations will call me blessed.” It required great faith to make that statement in her condition. Remember, she was an unwed teenage girl and her reputation was at stake, but she chose to believe God despite the circumst

365 Devotions for Peace

Be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. — James 5:7–8 As Christmas Day approaches, you can feel the excitement building. The children are out of school, family begins to arrive, last-minute packages are wrapped. But what if, by declaration of Congress, Christmas Day were delayed? How long would the anticipation hold? The disciples were certain Jesus would return shortly. Yet as the years passed, these faithful found it harder to hold on to that belief. James wrote to encourage them. He likened their wait for Jesus’ return to a farmer who patiently waits for his crops to grow. If you, like those first disciples, grow weary in waiting for the Lord’s Second Coming, take a cue from the farmer. He doesn’t stand in the field and stare at the ground, watching for the first sprout t

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

When someone important is being introduced, the announcer usually says, “Mr. So-And-So — Founder of This Extra-Important Company!” or, “Miss Something Else — Nobel-Prize-Winning Inventor of This Brilliant Thing!” Do you know how God likes to be introduced? His name is the Lord... Father to the fatherless, defender of widows. — Psalm 68:4-5 (NLT) Our Almighty God, who sifted stars through His fingers, stands not with kings and princes, but with the weak, the powerless, the poor. Because the people no one else thinks are important have a special place in God’s heart. He hears their cries. He fights for them and defends them. And one night long ago, in Bethlehem, He stepped out of Heaven and became one of them. *** Excerpt from Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing  by Sally-Lloyd Jones.

The Gift of Jesus 

The judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift... resulted in justification. For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. — Romans 5:16-17 What is the most special gift you’ve ever received? Did you receive it on your birthday, for Christmas, or on another occasion? Through the years I’ve received some amazing gifts, but Jesus is the most marvelous gift ever given. And it is the most needed gift ever given. The apostle Paul taught that by one man — Adam — sin entered the world, and death was pronounced upon all, for in Adam all have sinned. On the other hand, grace entered the world through Jesus, and a forgiven life and eternal life are available to all who believe. Adam brought into the world sin, offense, judgment, condemnation, disobedience, and eternal death. Yet Christ brought grace, justi

The Good Dad

It’s been called the “Paradox of Christmas,” the fact that the Creator of heaven and earth gave up what He had so that we might receive what we need. It’s in this ultimate selfless act that we find the origin of exchanging gifts between loved ones and friends. We try to find that perfect gift to communicate our affection for each other. In many circles the tradition has been trivialized and commercialized, but this is why we give – to be reminded that God so generously gave us the gift of His Son on that first Christmas. But here is another paradox of the season for me: When I was child, beyond the necessities of life, my needs were minimal. Yet, I was rarely satisfied. I always wanted one more G.I. Joe. One more toy under the tree. I was convinced that I was always just a few dollars shy of all my dreams coming true. Now, nearly a half-century later, and blessed with a wonderful wife and two growing sons, I see life very differently. As the breadwinner of our family and tasked

The Joshua Code

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. — Romans 6:23 Modern culture has been replete with a series of good news/bad news jokes. For example, there is the one about the pastor who stood up on Sunday and declared, “The good news is we have enough money here this morning to pay off the church debt and to build our new building.” Then he added, “But the bad news is, it is still in your pockets!” When we come to Romans 6:23, one of the most informative and inspirational verses in the Bible, we find some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that “the wages of sin is death.” But the good news is that “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The Bad News There is some bad news in this verse: “the wages of sin is death.” The Greek word for sin is best understood as “missing the mark.” The word picture describes an archer who shoots his arrow at the target and misses the bull’s-eye. We all find ourselves here

Every Day in His Presence

When the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son. — Galatians 4:4 This Christmas, are you waiting for some precious promise to be fulfilled? Do not despair — God always keeps His word. Yet just as the Savior appeared in a way and time that were completely unexpected to anyone — so will the blessings He has for you. For example, the nation of Israel thought the Messiah would appear during a time of national crisis. But the Lord had better plans. He waited until the message of the Gospel could be carried to the ends of the earth so the whole world could embrace the Good News. How Christ came contradicted the Israelites’ expectations as well. They imagined a great conqueror who’d build the kingdom of Israel — not a Baby in a manger. Yet Jesus had a greater purpose — saving their souls, not just their land. Therefore, if you’re discouraged because God’s promise to you is not yet fulfilled — remember, His answer may not appear in the manner or time you suppose. But rest

Christmas Stories

Some call him Sinterklaas. Others Pere Noel or Papa Noel. He’s been known as Hoteiosho, Sonnerklaas, Father Christmas, Jelly Belly, and to most English speakers, Santa Claus. His original name was Nicholas, which means victorious. He was born in AD 280 in what is now Turkey. He was orphaned at age nine when his parents died of a plague. Though many would think Santa majored in toy making and minored in marketing, actually the original Nicholas studied Greek philosophy and Christian doctrine. He was honored by the Catholic church by being named Bishop of Myra in the early fourth century. He held the post until his death on December 6, 343. History recognized him as a saint, but in the third century he was a bit of a troublemaker. He was twice jailed, once by the Emperor Diocletian for religious reasons, the other for slugging a fellow bishop during a fiery debate. (So much for finding out who is naughty and nice.) Old Nick never married. But that’s not to say he wasn’t a romantic.


I didn’t know just what was wrong with me, Till your love helped me name it. - Aretha Franklin Down those old ancient streets, Down those old ancient roads, Baby there together we must go  Till we get the healing done. - Van Morrison Just an hour ago, a hummingbird was trapped in our garage. They come here to Colorado in the summer, to mate and nest and feast upon the flowers that fill our garden. We love to watch them zipping around, hovering, performing acrobatics in the air. If you get a closer look, these delicate little birds shimmer like emeralds, bright green breasts no bigger than your thumb but glittering like the crown jewels. Others have deep brilliant red throats that glisten in the sun like rubies. They are like living rainbows, flying around our backyard - something out of a fairy tale. Carefree, lovely reminders of God. And then, today, one mistook the open garage door for a new passageway, and once she flew in, she couldn’t find her way back out. Poor little th

Messy Endings

I have won several awards for my music, but one award I’m pretty sure I’ll never be nominated for is Mother of the Year. Take for example one Wednesday morning when Josie was thirteen months old. We woke up late for a Bible study I was leading with only enough time to get one of us dressed. Since I was teaching the class that day, I decided it needed to be me. Josie stayed in her pajamas. We arrived before child care opened, so I took Josie with me to the fellowship hall while I did a sound check. Josie began toddling around, running in circles, and trying to be a big girl while climbing on the hardwood stairs to the stage. That’s when it happened. I turned away just for a minute, and she took a tumble, falling flat on her face and busting her lip. She started wailing, catching the attention of everyone (including me) who was setting up the event. As we all raced toward her, she stopped crying. Sensing she was the center of attention, she forgot all about her fa

Hope for Each Day

It would have been logical to expect God to tear open the Heavens and descend to Earth in majesty and power on that first Christmas night — but He didn’t. Instead, on that quiet night in Bethlehem, a virgin mother lay her newborn Baby in a manger designed to feed cattle. The lowing cows, the sweet-smelling hay, and the dark sky illumined by a magnificent star provided the setting. Humble shepherds joined the carpenter husband to witness the miracle and praise God. The most significant drama of the centuries was unfolding — the drama of salvation that would ultimately take this Child to the cross. Truly, God works in mysterious ways. The wheels of His mercy and justice move quietly, but they do move. The birth of Jesus Christ — the Son of God, our Savior — went unnoticed by the vast majority of the world that first Christmas night, but no event in human history was more significant. May His birth — and all it means — not go unnoticed in our lives! *** Excerpted from  Hope fo

Light from Galilee

Prophecy   Nevertheless, the gloom of the distressed land will not be like that of the former times when He humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali. But in the future He will bring honor to the Way of the Sea, to the land east of the Jordan, and to Galilee of the nations. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness - Isaiah 9:1-2 Out on the sea, drifting along in the calm of night, a captain awaits the sunrise that will break the darkness. In a similar situation, Isaiah spoke this prophecy in anticipation of light after darkness, of an explosion of light and Good News. For thousands of years, the Jewish people had been looking for the King who would come, bring an end to war, and usher in universal peace. They were waiting for the sunrise that would shatter their darkness once and for all. Fulfillment Ministry in Galilee Jesus was going all over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preach

Where Can I Go from Your Spirit?

Where can I go from Your Spirit? - Psalm 139:7 This question comes from the heart of King David as he meditates on the greatness of our God. The twenty-four verses of Psalm 139 are filled with his wonder at the depths of God’s omniscience, His omnipresence, and His omnipotence. Recently our young grandchildren visited us, and I marvel at their sense of wonder and inquisitive little minds about the world around them. It won’t be long before they have passed through this stage into the cold, practical world of scientific explanations. Unfortunately, our wonder has a tendency to get lost in all of our sophistication and progress, yet every new scientific discovery reveals yet another reason to wonder at our amazing Creator God. As someone has observed, it is tragic that, in the service of God, too many people lose the wonder of it in the work of it. David hadn’t lost his sense of wonder. In Psalm 139 he expressed heartfelt wonder at our God — who knows all; who is everywhere present;

Seven Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever

One year I gave my six-year-old daughter, Amanda, a small, decorative box. Inside it I put a small piece of jewelry that she had been wanting for a long time. When she unwrapped the gift and saw the box, she squealed and remarked on every detail. “Oh, Mommy, this is so beautiful! Look at the pink roses and the painted ribbons, and see how tiny the gold lock is. This is the prettiest box I’ve ever seen!” She was about to put the box away in her room when I said, “Amanda, open it up.” “Oh, thank you, Mommy! The pearl necklace I wanted!” she squealed as she ran off to put it on. I sat there thinking, She would have been happy with just the pretty box. And then I thought of how our heavenly Father gives us gifts, and often we don’t unwrap them or possess all He has for us because we don’t see them or we don’t realize they are there for us or we don’t ask for them. We let His gifts sit unopened. The Prayer of Blessing for God’s Power God’s power is a gift for us to use, among other t