I want to welcome you to today's program. It's day 3 and the final session for season 7 PHASE 2.

We looked through Psalm 102:13 each day of this phase. We will go one step further today.

I explained that this was directly referenced to Israel but that it is of prophetic significance to the nations of the world in the light of Isaiah 49: 8.

This is made even clearer in the writing of Paul the apostle in 2 Corinthians 6:1-2.
Yesterday I explained to you reading it from the living bible. (Isa 49:8B)

He explains it more clearly so you can see the reasoning of Apostle Paul 
2 Cor 5:20-21... 2 Cor 6:1

Through you I am saying to the prisoners of darkness "Come out".. 

We are His ambassadors.

We are coworkers together with Him in the light of Isaiah's prophecy 

This is the set time of mercy and favor.

It's a day of salvation.

A day of help. 

So we can expect in this day and hour to receive help from God. That no matter what's happening, knowing God's timetable, that this is the time we can call on Him and expect to be heard.

This is so beautiful.

You've got to love your country and the city in which you live. There is something about loving your country. It's not just merely identifying with the people you know but it's God's place given to you...even if it is temporarily.

God has made me able to love every country of the world. So when I pray for a nation, I genuinely love that nation and I find it's God's love. It's the way Jesus is. It's the love of Christ flowing through us. 
It's not some kind of patriotism. It's the love of God: Agape.

Psalm 102:13-14
Have you ever arrived in a country and just fall in love with it. I guess that's why something always happens in any country I arrive in within my first days of arrival. 

So when you pray for your country, look for something that you love. If you are from Lebanon, what about the trees of Lebanon, etc 

Mungo Park saw the river Niger in Nigeria and saw infinite pleasure. Think about something you can take pleasure in, in your country. It's that love for your country that makes you want to take it from the Devil. You won't want to let the devil have it. 

That's how I was thinking in 2020.
That's why we put the map of the world and pray over the nations. 

When you think like that, you win. Satan cannot conquer love. He cannot defeat love. Love is the greatest power in the world. 

Gen 47:13-28

Jacob had been in Caanan. He moved to Egypt from Canaan. There was food in Egypt because of Joseph's godly counsel to Pharaoh that was followed. 

V14: Only Pharaoh had food now. Everybody was buying from Joseph. Joseph didn't embezzle the funds. 

V16: Remember what I told you. Personal property is the measure of wealth. If they didn't have livestock, they were sunk. As long as you've got something that belongs to you, you've got power. 

V18-19: They still had land to sell for food. 

V20-21: All the Egyptians sold Joseph their fields. They gave their C of Os to Pharaoh. They also gave themselves to Pharaoh as slaves. 

All this while, the Israelites were in Goshen and Joseph was supplying them food.
It was only the land of the priests that Joseph didn't collect.

Personal property is power. Those who want to take it from you want to get you to become slaves. It never stops. 

V24: 20% of their work would be Pharaoh's own from that time on. Their personal private property, GONE!

V25: they were okay with this arrangement. 

V27: The children of Israel were buying property. See the difference between where God's children lived and and where the devil was operating. 

So you understand why the Despots would like to rule the world. You understand why they want to control everything because they've created a fraudulent system and they want to keep it going.

Remember in 2020, during the first global day of prayer. We prayed because I saw that the devil had tried to take over the cities and God's people had been taken unawares. They thought it was God that was doing something.

There was a particular part of that prayer that we prayed. Their plan was to change our world forever. Klaus Schwab called it the Great Reset. 

Major businesses were decimated. 
Airlines were grounded and destroyed. 
There are many that will never arise again. 
So much was destroyed. They said we are going to live differently. We had to move online in worshipping God. 

And many were happy and excited about the new life they were being moved into. 
Of course they didn't understand the scriptures. There was fear on every side. 

We prayed! 

They that trust in their riches shall fall.
Just because you have enough money, doesn't mean the world is yours. They are deceived. It's true that money talks but it doesn't mean that everyone that talks must be heard. 

Money talks but it's God that is heard. 

A rich man speaks roughly, a poor man speaks entrities. What about God? He doesn't speak roughly or use entreaties.
They that trust in their riches shall fall.
Proverbs 11:28

Here we are: Our cities are flourishing again contrary to their imaginations. If you trust in money, you shall fall. God has said so. Anyone who uses his money to buy nations shall fall.

Money has power but it cannot work against God. 

Except and unless you do what the word says, you may not get exactly what belongs to you.

If you are going to live free, you must fight. That's what I was teaching God's people to do since 2020. Fight as God's word tells you.

Satan doesn't want you to live free and he will inspire those who want to put you in bondage, slavery and poverty 

Ephesians 6:10-12 KJV, Weymouth, Wuest
This is not a conflict with mere flesh and blood. These are forced that motivate the despots of the world. 

This gives you a light into what I'm telling you. You've got to understand the day in which you are living in. There are spirit forces of perniciousness. Spirits that are harmful and determined to destroy.

2 Cor 10:3-5 KJV, AMPC 
He didn't say we do not war at all. Our spiritual weapons are for the overthrow and destruction of spiritual strongholds.

It doesn't matter what theories, arguments of school of thought they have. We've got weapons and we have to use them in prayer and declarations of the word into the realm of the spirit. 

Those in the evil negative spiritual like to declare their evil words and cause fear. 
Proverbs 16:29-30

They lure you to follow the wrong way. Where do you think the WEF get their ideas from? Their ideas of transhumanism comes from meditation and they make their declarations real in the spirit before we see it in manifestation. 

We also must meditate on God's word and speak into the realm of the spirit.

Release words! Make decrees. Bring good to pass. Bring righteousness in.

Don't just be quiet. 

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. The word of faith and truth, you must declare it. That's the rhema of God's word. 

1 Tim 6:12-15 TLB

God told Moses to go and fight Amalek. He said "Remember what Amalek did".
Another time, He said "go and fight Midian". 

In this New testament time, He still wants us to fight...not with flesh and blood. 

V13: Jesus Christ gave a fearless testimony before Pontious Pilate. Paul was telling Timothy to be fearless. 

You are going to give a fearless testimony in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You want to live free and prosperous, you've got to fight.

This is not Satans hour, season or moment. Why do you let him rule?


Tell him "Devil, I will not allow you have your influence over this city, country...I demand that you take your hands off"
Angels of God are on assignment.
We are coworkers together with God.
Angels are working together on our behalf as we decree.

Right now Pray 
Speak words. Cut off those manipulations of evil in your country and state in the name of Jesus. 

Pour forth righteousness and Salvation. 
Decree righteousness going forth. 
Cancel the manipulations of evil.



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