I want to welcome you to today's very special program. This phase is a short one. During the global communion Service on Sunday, I began to talk to you about something. 

I asked "where are we on God's timetable?" In God's timeline, where are we?

I wanted you to understand some things. 

Psalm 102:13
Here the psalmist prays and says something to God. In the spirit, he knew it was the set time for God to favor Zion. 
So he says "thou shall arise and have mercy upon Zion..."

This is in reference to Zion/ Israel as a nation. Wherever you are in the world, whichever country you are in, it's important to know what's God plan for your country.

Where are you in God's timetable?
Does God have a plan?
Can his plan be actuated?

Across the world, to every nation, it's God's moment and hour to have mercy on all nations and favour all nations. 

This is important.

I've often said this and it's true: Every nation gets the leadership it deserves.. .the political leaders and leaders of various parts of societal strata. The leadership is always a reflection of the soul of a nation. Sometimes they get wicked leaders that completely decimate their economy.

There is a reflection of the soul of a nation in its leadership.

When it comes to God's time of mercy and favor, God prefers to have a leader who characterizes His mercy. But when it comes to the time of God's mercy and favor, God prefers to guide such a nation.

Think of all the cattle on a thousand hills, the minerals, etc they are all for our use. But most never get to use those things because some people set up economic systems that help define the rich and the poor. But under God's mercy and favor, things become different.

How can God's mercy and favor be brought into a nation? If his people pray.

I want you to know today that your country is in a period where it can have the mercy and favour of God in abundance.
This is God's hour for mercy and favour for nations. Wherever you are you can make a demand in the spirit and have God's mercy on your country

Isaiah 49:8

Paul the apostle makes reference to this portion to make us know that this is the Church's day 

2 Corinthians 6:1-2

This is the day. This is the hour. This is the time  All that God has waited for is for those who understood the word to make a demand on the spirit to say "This is the time for my country. No more leadership that reflects his character but what God wants"

Pray for your country right now 
This is the day of God's mercy and  favor.
Wherever you are. Stand up and pray for your country.

It's time to have the right leadership in every nation. And as you pray for your country, pray for every nation. 
You have to recognize the necessity of prayer. There are things that won't happen unless we pray. 

The natural tendency in our world is for evil to take place. Why? Because the natural world is under the dominion and influence of Satan. The bible says "men loved darkness rather than light because of their evil deeds".

The world is under condemnation until they hear the message of Christ. 
Salvation is only in Christ Jesus. 
So until we take actions and prevail over natural circumstances and the forces of darkness they hold sway over men. They keep them in bondage and darkness. 
Leading to continual wickedness and evil.
So if you do nothing, the natural process will go on: evil and wickedness will prevail.
But we have the power, authority and name of the Lord Jesus to change things. 

We can do it 
We've got to. 

Thank God for the privilege of prayer. The right to pray and to be heard. The word of God has given us so much information on how the world runs, what happens in the spirit realm, how things are moved in our world and the dynamics of such movements.

1 Chronicles 21:1

Satan is a spirit being. You don't see him with your optical eyes. The people didn't see Satan talking to David. God gave us spiritual information and tells us who motivated him to number israel.

If God didn't tell us by His spirit through the scriptures, we would never have known.

1 Samuel 12: 17-18, 10:17-19, 8:7
Israel asked for a King. Prior to their asking for a King, God was their king. God, through prophets led them to war and they won every time (except for Ai because of the sin of Achan).

They wanted a King, but the bible tells us what God thought about it.  They thought it was just a political move decided by the majority but it was an act that originated from the original wicked spirit, Satan. He was the one responsible for the capital sin.They rejected God from reigning over them.

Sometimes people talk about how God gave them a King named Saul, and then other kings. Well, He did that because He was still their God and carried them along as much as was legally right for Him to do.

God told Samuel to tell them the implications of their action. God was looking at who was behind it and what had motivated them. The problem was not about the Kingship. 

You understand satans manipulation through the rejection of God, His word or His servants. (Look what he did to Jesus 
They were moved by Satan to arrest Jesus.Jesus said "this is your hour and the power of darkness.")

1 Sam 8:15

He begins telling them what will happen.
Number 1- Taxation Imposed . He would lay a burden of taxes on them.
Remember what Jesus responded when he was asked to pay tax. "who is meant to pay tax? Citizens or foreigners?".

Originally, it is not citizens that are meant to pay taxes. But there's is a reason.
Today everyone thinks taxation is normal. It's not normal. Satan is responsible for it. Taxation is his sign of ownership. 

Remember the circumsicion was God's sign in the body of the Jew that God was in covenant with them. It's was called 'the cut'.
Now you find the same term at play here.
When God was their king, there were no taxes. He asked them to give...and all the giving was for their benefit.
V17: V14, 16... WHAT???

Number 2: The loss of private property. Personal property confiscated.

When you have a satanic government in place, you see increased taxes. You would think the infrastructure would be improved, but it never happens. Number 3: V17B
The Loss of personal liberty and often a war of attrition is deployed. Gradualism. Always in incremental steps. The destruction of the individual is always for the greater good. Yet, the people never get better. There is no improvement in their lives. The greater good was never intended.

A news article from hannity quoted something from Ronald Reagan to show that the world had been lying to everyone.
The department of Energy of the USA has made the conclusion that COVID-19 was developed in a lab in Wuhan....Did they just know?

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". 
Ronald Reagan.

The Government has lied again and again.
COVID has been called the biggest Scandal in American/World History. Now they come three years later to admit the obvious. 

Viruses are not living things. They do not exist in nature. A living thing can only naturally have living things. It cannot naturally reproduce a nonliving thing. 

Viruses are man made. They are coming up now with these truths...why? People are being gaslighted. This is a smokescreen. There is something they don't want you to see. 

The Sadaam Hussein formula is what is being employed. "Destroy the cobweb but leave the spider". There is an unfinished matter that most of those who reacted to what I said want to push under the carpet, hoping that no one talks about it again.

The leak from a lab in china story is not the complete truth. It's just a smokescreen. They are lying again. It was created in the United States and manifested in China for a particular purpose...and the Chinese colluded. 

Go back to 2020. They were dying by the thousands in Wuhan. It wasn't the virus. There was something else. They kept quoting fake numbers over and again of deaths in the media houses. All other deaths from other diseases were suspended. Even with that, they didn't get the number of deaths that their models predicted.

When the government creates problems, it needs a scapegoat for their economic problems. They end up negotiating at the back end. China won't suffer any sanctions. If they could, China would have liked to dominate the world. Just like any other country. 

What was killing the people was not the virus but the roll out of the dangerous and untested 5G towers. When the roll out was stopped, the deaths stopped. 

The virus was later found to have a fatality rate of 0.1%...and the whole world was shut down for that? 

So where went the 5G? Has it been reviewed? No. It went in the cooler. To be released alongside another virus.
They need something that can help bring down world population like they planned. 

Through prayer, we are keeping our world in check. Surely, we will not allow Satan control our world. They need to confiscate private property in other to get to the loss of personal liberty. 

The real measure of individual wealth is the ownership of private/personal property. Personal property can be tangible or intangible. By confiscating it, you've got nothing.

Personal property is power, no matter how small it is. But their modus operandi is to ensure that you don't have any power so they can control you.  That's what Despots do. All the power the antichrist will weild in his time will be given to him by Satan. 

Rev 13:16-17

During the lockdown, everyone was locked down except those who perpetrated it.
That's why the central banks of today wlare working towards CBDCs. They want all money to become digital so they can have control. They can cut one out of the commercial life of your society. 

Now they are selling the idea of ,"you own nothing but you will be happy". Now, even some organizations are adopting it. They only hire but don't buy. 

God is not in support of those things. 
That is why He lays claim to Jerusalem. 
Jesus Christ will come back and step on Jerusalem in this earth. He is holding on to a personal property. 

Private property is God's plan.
Satan is the one that disposseses you and it is all about absolute control.

You may say 'if these things are so serious, how come there are a lot of people who know this and are doing nothing about it?'  You need to know how Satan dominates people's minds. 

1 Sam 8:18-20

Even after Samuel made them know of the consequences, they insisted on having a King, V18.

A day is going to come when this happen. Satanism will become the policy of government in the days of the antichrist. The world is already getting set for that. 
The debate of equality vs equity, recently Bennie Sanders was asked about that. He didn't hesitate to say Equality.

Equality to them means equal opportunities. They preach equality to you selling the idea of equity. But Equity means ownership. Each one has a right. 

Only God's people can keep our world in peace and make it habitable. You are the ones with the ability and authority to proclaim peace upon the nations and keep the devil at bay.  We are born of God and we have overcome the world. We have His name and His authority. 

We are the light of the world. The darkness cannot comprehend or overpower the light. We are in charge by the power of the Holy ghost.

The nations belong to God.

All souls belong to Him.

We spread the power of peace, mercy and favour all around the world. The gospel moves full speed by free course.


For the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. 

The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.



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