I want to welcome you to today's program. 
Yesterday we began to talk about God's plan for the nations in this present hour.

Psalm 102:13

I explained that He was talking about Israel and describing a certain period, but this church age is very much in line with what the psalmist spoke of here. 

Isaiah 49: 7-8
"To establish the earth. To cause to inhabit the desolate heritages".

Let's read from the Living bible.
Israel will be used by God to do this at the millennial reign of Christ, but this is the church age where the church is sent to the nations of the world.

Isn't that the commission that He gave us?
He gave us authority to set the prisoners free. 

2 Cor 6:1-2

This grace of God that was given to us in Christ Jesus, brings this blessing that Isaiah spoke about, to pass. 
We are workers together with Him.

He sends us to the world. This was Paul's thinking. No wonder he says "we are ambassadors of Christ as though God did beseech you by us..." 2 Cor 5:20.

God instructs us to pray for them because He is willing to bless. We've got to use the authority He has given to us. We can say to the prisoners "Come out".

Every nation gets the leadership it deserves. Leaders are a reflection of the character and soul of their nation. So many times we get leaders that destroy and bring men to penury. They would have a lot of natural and human resources and still be poor, broken and shattered because of bad leadership that reflects the character of their nation.

But when we pray, God does something.
James 2:12-13 KJV, NIV

In other words, they get what they deserve...but...MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGEMENT. God prefers mercy over Judgement. Even though they deserve the punishment, but mercy triumphs over Judgement. How true!!!

Pray for your country. 
Ask God for good leadership in His mercy. 

He asked us to pray because he intended to answer. 

1 Tim 2:1-2.

That's what God wants. That's God's plan. 
But except we pray like this, we can't get it. He told us what to do to get it in verse 1. 
He lets us know what results we will have so we have to learn to do this more and more. Otherwise we will complain about circumstances in a city and there will still be no change.

Israel asked for a King. Their motivation was an act of wickedness. Satan-inspired. 
God told them they would get into trouble
They would experience taxation, Confiscation of private property, 
1Sam  8:14

The word 'Servants' here includes friends who are in service to you. 

V16: There are many of you experiencing what this verse is talking about today. Like your staff working for you in your business. The King would take what you were using for your business and put it for his work. 

Through regulation, some companies have realized that they are no longer working for themselves but for the Government. 
Imagine paying tax of 60%. In some places, they impose board members in a company that's supposed to be a private enterprise.

God warned them ahead but they didn't get it.  V17: they would lose personal liberty. 

In 2020 when I told you that the virus came from the united states and was send to Wuhan, many didn't agree. And I said "ask Dr. Fauci".  Guess what, Just last night, the former director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, was facing a senate committee. 
He says "if I make a non pathogen pathogenic, that's gain of function". 

That's an extraordinary admission.
He was the one in charge of the CDC at the time.

He said "it is not scientifically plausible that the virus somehow emanated from animals or bats and somehow spread to humans".  After this, they cut him off from their communications.

It was all a deception from the beginning. 
The evidence stacked up against them is coming our now.  They made something that was not a virus to become a virus, or they made an existing virus to become more potent. That's what Fauci did.

Someone in the WEF claimed that the virus was a digital did not really exist in a bottle. They carried the data/documents to China. They produced it and weaponized it. 

Where was the Virus purified or isolated?
Various countries should have asked this question before destroying their economies. 

The PCR test...what were they testing for?
What is the element you are testing for which must not be present in others? The virus was never isolated or purified. The PCR test was a fraud. So how did they come up with a vaccine to cure it?

Those vaccines were not for COVID-19.
If you didn't have COVID and you were vaccinated, you would now have COVID.
That is what vaccination is all about.
This explains why vaccinated people were testing positive for Covid on many tests...
That was what created a pandemic. 

What will be the implication of this terrible thing in the next few years?

Not even the Pfizer boss could explain this...and they were indemnified for vaccine Injuries.

God's word was given to us to instruct and warn us. 

Revelation 2:8-10
He warned the church in Smyrna that days of trial were coming. But he expected them to be faithful unto death.
Some would be killed. 

Some said they lost their Job because they didn't take the vaccine, so they are not happy.

The Smyrna church was told to be faithful UNTO DEATH. 

You would be wrong to think that those who took the vaccine and retained their jobs are better off. You should follow the word in faith, not out of fear.

You shouldn't just believe in Jesus because you don't want to go to hell. That's a bad reason. Have faith in Jesus; who He is and what He has done for you. 

Perfect love casts out all fear. We love Him because He first loved us and Faith works by love.

These are days of trials and temptations.
1 Peter 1:7. Your faith will be tried. Learn to stand strong for the things of God. 
Losing your Job shouldn't be a thought to you. Rather think of creating one, instead of selling your conscience. 

The trial of your faith is more precious than of Gold that perishes. You've not even been tried with fire. No matter what you go through, you ought to stand strong for Jesus and don't even think of regretting that you stood for the Lord. 

James 1: 12
Endure trials and temptations. You will receive the crown of life from the Lord

We can see Satanism is building up for the antichrist period. 

Revelation 13:8,11-12, 15, 3-4

They worshipped the devil that gave power to the beast, and they worshipped the beast. In the last days, Satanism will be the policy of government. What you are seeing is a Harbinger of what the bible says. You will see Satanism manifesting in various cities and various policies of government.

That's why we cannot just close our eyes because they are trying to impose this system on us  If we stand our ground, they will not do the things they want to do.

Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world.

Jesus said "Cheer up. I have overcome the world". AMPC John 16:33 Hallelujah! 

He has conquered the world for us and gave us power over it. We have power over Satan. How can we lose? It's not possible.

Declare that you belong to Jesus Christ. You are walking in God's love, His righteousness. 
You have overcome the world.

Say these with me, 
"No virus can stay in my body! The presence of God’s Spirit destroys every trace of sickness & disease in my body. I’m a divine package of blessings; I dispense eternal verities to my world! I’m fruitful and productive in every good work, producing fruits of righteousness, ministering salvation and positively impacting my world with the perfections of the Spirit. I know who I am! Hallelujah!”



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