The Reason for My Hope

Pop culture is searching, perhaps today more than ever, for truth. But truth has become to many whatever they want it to be, bound up in lies from Satan that cause them to look in futility to others and, sometimes, to themselves.

Rock star Jewel sings about being God’s eyes, God’s hands, God’s mind, God’s heart. While those who follow Christ may perform good deeds in His name, humanity will never be God’s eyes or God’s mind. Only His eyes can peer into our weary souls. He says,

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways. - Isaiah 55:8

God longs to fill our minds with His truth and heal our sick hearts. God’s heart’s desire is to love us and change us.

I was moved when I heard the story that at age sixteen Jewel was traveling through Mexico and observed that everyone seemed to be looking “for someone to save them.” Her evaluation was true. She later wrote lyrics to what would become a major hit, “Who Will Save Your Soul?” in which she reveals people’s worry about who will save their souls. I wish I could tell this talented young entertainer who is searching for God that humanity is not God and never will be. And aren’t we glad?

No one cares for us as God does, and no one but God loves us with an everlasting love.

The world would have us believe that we do not have souls or that we are our own gods. The Huffington Post’s article on “25 Ways to Feed Your Soul” was really all about pampering self. Yet the world applauds the poets who have written about searching the soul and artists who have attempted to depict the depth of the soul.

Canadian writer Douglas Coupland tapped in to our cultural soul confusion in a poignant line by a character in his novel The Gum Thief: “I don’t deserve a soul, yet I still have one. I know because it hurts.”

So many men, women, and children in our society know that ache. How I hope they hear the message that can bring comfort to their aching souls. The apostle Paul wrote,

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely... your whole spirit, soul, and body.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Tormented poet Sylvia Plath famously wrote that she was terrified by a “dark thing” inside her. When the soul is separated from the God who made it, the soul is indeed dark. Edgar Allan Poe said when he was dying, “Lord help my poor soul.” It is said that this brilliant poet lived in a great neurotic darkness.

But Jesus said, I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. - John 8:12

Matchmaking has become a booming business from Africa to Asia, from Australia to Europe, in our culture’s restless search for a “soul mate.” Online services promise to bring light into your life by matching you up with someone just right for you. “Relationship experts” teach clients to practice “self-love” in order to attract a potential partner. One such expert wrote, “We... have the power to create our own personal movie-like narratives, love stories based on our own desires and hopes.”

Since the subject of the soul has a prominent place in our thinking, may I ask: Have you found the sole source of the real kind of love that can bring light into your life? Salvation in Jesus Christ is the only hope for your soul. Only He can illumine the dark corners of your life and give you soul satisfaction.

You can continue searching for some religion that fits your particular lifestyle, but your search will never come to a satisfying end. Or you can commit your life completely to the Lord, who brings true and lasting fulfillment to the human soul who sincerely seeks Him in truth.

You can belong to the Giver of life who saves souls from the weariness of manmade religion. You can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That’s what it means to be a Christian. Have you humbled yourself before Him?

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Excerpted with permission from The Reason for My Hope by Billy Graham.


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