Joy In Every Season

There is a rhythm the oceans follow.

The waves swell and recede; the tide goes in and out. It affects fishing, sea life, climate, and beachgoers alike. It seems silly to fight against the tide because it’s going to continue going in and out even if you try to resist. The best thing you can do is adjust to its coming and going.

The tide has a rhythm, and so does your life.

There will be seasons of sorrow and loss, times when the tears won’t stop. There will be times when you are filled with joy and hope. You see countless blessings in your life, and they make your heart sing. You may have seasons where you feel alone. You ache for companionship, for someone who understands you. Cry out to God — He hears and He helps.

Just as the trees change in the fall and the sun shines brightly in the summer, you will not stay in the same season forever. If you’re in a barren and desolate winter, take heart because spring is coming. If you feel the warm rays of sun in a season of summer, enjoy it. Don’t look in dismay at the coming seasons. Bask in the sunlight, and give thanks.

There are seasons of busyness, and then a reprieve comes. Don’t be anxious when you feel the seasons changing; they come and they go just as the tide rises and falls.

And the One who holds the oceans in His hand and set each star in its place will most certainly be with you through every single season.

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Excerpt from Life Is Better at the Beach.


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