Changing the Atmosphere

… to be made new in the attitude of your minds… — Ephesians 4:23

I’ve been recently reminded that the way I perceive my circumstances can really make or break my day and can have a major effect on those around me.

My attitude going into places can either add or take away from the atmosphere.

I want to choose to be positive, reminding myself that every opportunity is a gift.

Chip is really good at this. He typically finds the positive things in any situation while that tends to be a bit harder for me. I think more about what needs to get done and how it’s going to be accomplished. But I’ve realized I can choose which lens I’m going to view life from. Even though our life is crazy right now, I want to think of this as an opportunity more than anything else. I can trust that this is a chance to grow and learn. And it’s a chance to enjoy each other as a family doing what we love to do most.

It all starts in my mind. Am I viewing the current circumstance as an opportunity or as a burden? Am I overwhelmed by what could go wrong or am I excited about what could go right?

I want to be able to find the positive in each situation, believing God brought me there for a specific purpose and will sustain me through it.

If I start the day overwhelmed by everything that needs to get done, then I’m missing some of the good things along the way!

Whether you’re a stay at home mom picking up after your kiddos or work a full time job, we can all choose to be atmosphere changers. And by that I mean, we have the power to set the tone with our kids at home or with our coworkers at the office. Rather than view life as a constant to do list, think of it as an opportunity to love and serve others well. This will shift the atmosphere and you will find others inspired to do the same.

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. — Romans 12:2 NLT

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Adapted from the "At Home" blog by Joanna Gaines


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