When God Fights Your Battles
In 2013, my company, Hasson Painting Contractors, Inc., completed a large project that had been fraught with large cost overruns and put us in a negative cash flow position for over twenty-four months. Closing out the project landed us in an uncomfortable six-month negotiation process with the client, which was scheduled to culminate with a final settlement meeting in early February 2014. An Unexpected Strategy The night before the meeting, Lauren and I hosted our weekly couples group. I had chosen an obscure Bible story about King Jehoshaphat for our discussion. In the story, enemy armies have surrounded Judah and a devastating attack seems imminent. Jehoshaphat calls the whole nation together to pray and inquire of the Lord about what to do. At last, a prophet comes forward with God’s response: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s . . . You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; s