
Showing posts from June, 2019

When God Fights Your Battles

In 2013, my company, Hasson Painting Contractors, Inc., completed a large project that had been fraught with large cost overruns and put us in a negative cash flow position for over twenty-four months. Closing out the project landed us in an uncomfortable six-month negotiation process with the client, which was scheduled to culminate with a final settlement meeting in early February 2014. An Unexpected Strategy The night before the meeting, Lauren and I hosted our weekly couples group. I had chosen an obscure Bible story about King Jehoshaphat for our discussion. In the story, enemy armies have surrounded Judah and a devastating attack seems imminent. Jehoshaphat calls the whole nation together to pray and inquire of the Lord about what to do. At last, a prophet comes forward with God’s response: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s . . . You will not have to fight this  battle. Take up your positions; s

How to Pray God’s Word for Your Husband

Editor's Note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Kathi Lipp's new book, Praying God's Word for Your Husband (Revell Books, 2012). When you pray for your husband, you help bring about powerful change in his life, his relationship to God, and his marriage to you. It’s especially powerful to pray through God’s Word (the Bible ) for your husband because when you pray God’s words back to Him you can be confident that they reflect His will for your husband. Here’s how you can pray God’s word for your husband: Know that your effort is worthwhile. It’s worth it to invest time and energy regularly into praying for your husband, because God promises to hear and answer every single prayer you pray. Also, God will change you for the better through the process; He will make you a stronger person as you spend time with Him in prayer. Overcome resistance to praying for your husband. If you’re reluctant to pray for your husband, ask God

How Do I Put My Faith in God?

“Have a little faith,” people will say, but what does it mean? If we look at the world, it tells us to believe WE can do it—to have faith in ourselves. This is contrary to what the Bible teaches, and the Bible is the source of our faith. Read Romans 10:17--faith comes by hearing, hearing the word. Father, I pray that the words you have given me are clear to the readers. I pray that anyone who wants to put their faith in you would understand the way to do that is to trust that your Word is true. I pray you would work in hearts that want to know you and that you would draw others to yourself. Help us know how to trust you. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray, Amen. Sinners are redeemed. The Bible teaches that God is the creator. He made everything, including us. Read Psalms 139:13-16 : "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully