The Red Letter Words of Jesus

Matthew 5:13
You are the salt of the earth. — Matthew 5:13

Jesus told His followers they were the salt of the earth. This was an obvious metaphor for how they should impact the world around them. Salt has many different uses. First, salt preserves food. Before refrigeration, people salted foods, which made them last significantly longer than they did when left unsalted. Salt also adds flavor to foods. Many foods would be bland and — to some — inedible without salt. So, adding salt makes dishes more palatable.

What does it mean when Jesus calls you to be the salt of the earth? Jesus uses those who love and follow Him to help preserve this fallen world that has turned its back on Him. Jesus also uses you to spread the Word in a way that is easier for others to understand, easier for them to hear and digest, by adding flavor and depth to your words as you share the gospel. Salt brings out distinct flavors in food, just as believers can bring out the words of God to impact listeners in a positive way. Those who know Jesus, radiate His joy, and share His love add flavor to the world. Look for ways today to be the salt of the earth in your words and actions.

Let Your Light Shine
Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. — Matthew 5:16

A little bit of light impacts a lot of darkness. The inky blackness of a cave is not so ominous once you turn on a flashlight. Light also gives comfort throughout the night — the literal night as well as the metaphorical night. And light — the sun bursting through the rainclouds — brings hope and joy with each new day.

This is why Jesus called for His followers to let their lights “shine before men.” Those who have named Jesus as Savior and Lord have the ability to shine this kind of comforting, joyful light to people in the world. Do you know that within you is a light burning with Heaven’s fire? As a result, your faith should cause you to behave differently than the world. Your true faith in God should show through in your actions and reflect your heavenly Father. People should see God through you.

When you walk with God, His Spirit shines your light before others so people see your good works and the love of God within you. God has given you the gift of light within you. May you use it for His glory. After all, a little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness.

*** Excerpt from The Red Letter Words of Jesus by Jack Countryman.


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