Pressing Pause

After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. Later that night, He was there alone. — Matthew 14:23
I had just sat down on the couch. Finally! The day was over. I popped open my laptop to check a few e-mails and read the news. The kids were in bed. Silence. And then my alone time was over. “Mom? Mom? Mom, I’m thirsty!” My youngest daughter’s voice pierced my solitude. My alone time was over before it started!

Motherhood is demanding, isn’t it?

Oftentimes our day begins with a little one pulling at us, anxious to wake up and start the day. Even nights aren’t sacred or off limits with kids.

A nightmare startles your son or daughter awake. The flu hits. Someone wets the bed.

Motherhood is anything but easy. And it’s far from quiet. All of the demands can be draining. What mom hasn’t wanted to lock herself in the bathroom for a few minutes of peace and quiet?!

Whether you're a parent or not, you can take comfort in knowing that even Jesus, God in the flesh, needed solitude. He, too, knew the busyness of a life in demand. People were always pulling and tugging at Him. The needs were endless. And so He routinely withdrew to “lonely places” (Luke 5:16). He got away. Slowed down. In all of the giving, He got away to be fed by His Father.

Jesus knew and practiced the discipline of solitude.

Before He started His public ministry, He spent forty days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). Before making important decisions, like choosing the twelve disciples, He spent time alone (Luke 6:12; Mark 1:35). After some of His miracles, He found solitude (Matthew 14:23; Luke 5:16). And, of course, just before Jesus would go to the cross for our sins, He spent some time alone with His Heavenly Father (Matthew 26:36-46).

Are you feeling worn-out right now? There’s no guilt in getting away. Solitude is a gift God gives us so we can recharge and refill. If we don’t spend time away and time alone, the self-neglect can be dangerous.

One of the greatest things you can do for your own soul is find solitude.

Father, give me time today to be alone with You. Give me the wisdom to carve out space and time to stop. Help me to push pause and be quiet. Refresh me today. Renew my strength. Pour into me so that I can pour out to my family. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Do you ever feel guilty for wanting some alone time? Why?

Where in your schedule will you carve out solitude this week? Even ten minutes count.

Jesus was purposeful about His solitude. What can you do during your times of solitude to truly recharge?

*** Excerpt from 
Pressing Pause by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk.


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