Living a Mighty Faith

I will lift up my eyes to the hills — from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made Heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. 
Psalm 121:1-3

Who is your helper? When you turn on the television and you listen to the news, what do you see and hear? There is a meltdown taking place in the world today — economically, environmentally, politically. You start to wonder if there is a future for your children. What hope is there left for the world?

I am just a simple farmer, but I want to tell you that the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest Friend who has ever lived, has been with me in my darkest times.

Today He says,

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you... I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. — Isaiah 41:10

Jesus Christ has never let me down. He is more than my Helper; He is my Protector. He is the one who looks after my wife when I am away overseas preaching. I know that she is safe because He stations His angels around our home.

I want to encourage you today to start concentrating on what Jesus says about you and not on what is going on in a world gone mad.

Let’s pray and refocus. I am so excited to be alive, because the best is yet to come — the Master is coming in all His glory. So, take heart, be of good cheer, because the Lord has promised never to abandon us.

PRAYER: Lord, I know there has been discord on this earth every day since the Fall in the garden. Help me to look forward to a day when all is made right again. Amen.

*** Excerpt from
Living a Mighty Faith by Angus Buchan.

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A simple potato farmer with a mighty faith and a willing heart—God steps in and changes everything, just like He can do for you.

Internationally bestselling author and ministry leader Angus Buchan is the author of Faith Like Potatoes and the founder of Mighty Men Conferences, which have drawn more than 500,000 attendees to Buchan’s Shalom Farm Ministry in South Africa, with additional Mighty Men Conferences drawing thousands more worldwide.

Although Buchan speaks to thousands all over the world, he and his wife, Jill, are simple potato farmers who know what it means to allow God to do more through them than they could ever imagine. They founded Beth-Hatlaim, a ministry that aims to provide a permanent home for children who have been abandoned or orphaned, with no known relatives. Buchan travels and leads crusades similar to the likes of Billy Graham.

This 365-day devotional will help you see what God can do in your life when you believe big and open your heart. Devotions focus on sharing your faith, serving others, and becoming a little more like Jesus each day. Learn to focus your life on these 3 areas of the Christian walk: telling people about Jesus, serving others, and helping believers lead faithful, joy-filled lives.

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