Grow by "The Word"

"Develop an appetite and go voraciously for the Word," Pastor Chris

Continuing the teaching series, 'the Integrity of the Word', Pastor Chris enlightened the brethren at the LoveWorld Conference Center on the reason why they must lay up store of the Word in their hearts.
"Your real person is a spirit being. It is a creation of God’s Word, and therefore, can only be sustained by the Word," he said.
Teaching from the scriptures, 1Peter 1:23; 2:1-2. The man of God highlights the origin of the recreated man and the importance of nurturing the human spirit through the Word of God 
The man of God made the congregation know that understanding the Word is not so they can quote it. He called to consciousness their place in Christ, saying "until you recognize the glorified life you were called into, you cannot walk in the light of it." 
Watch the video excerpt here


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