All is Calm, All is Bright

Christmas is a beautiful time of the year—it’s a time to celebrate the birth of Christ! And just like every holiday season, there’s a very good chance you’ll be spending time with friends and family members…sharing meals, shopping, giving and receiving gifts, attending special Christmas programs…and the list goes on.  

But even when your days are filled to overflowing with all kinds of activities that can drain you of your physical energy and leave your mind reeling from the sheer volume, you can still have a “peace that transcends understanding” (see Philippians 4:7 AMP). 

Advent gives us a chance to focus on the God-given peace that came in the form of a baby. Jesus came so that we could experience the peace of God, and He even taught us how to do that by the life He lived.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace; He left His peace for us to enjoy, and He wants to help us live and maintain a peaceful life. The way to do that is to pursue peace and go after it. First Peter 3:10-11 (NASB) says, “The one who desires life, to love and see good days, must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. He must turn away from evil and do good; He must seek peace and pursue it.”

One way that we can pursue peace is to enjoy the moment. When we take the time to live in the moment, we enjoy life and the people we are with so much more than we do when we are rushing through our day. Discover something special in each day, and take some time to enjoy every moment this Christmas. 

Another way that we can pursue peace is to slow down and be still. Sometimes the pace of life is way too fast and can often be fueled by the expectations of others. If you find that you are having a hard time finding peace, you may need to slow down and take time to enjoy the Christmas season. 

If you find yourself getting caught up in the busyness of the season, here are a few simple things you can try to help you maintain your peace…

  • Take a deep breath. When things get hectic, slow down and ask God to refresh your peace.
  • Spend time with a close friend. When we get busy, we forget to do the things that bring us joy and help us relax, like spending time with someone we care about.
  • Enjoy a delicious, nutritious meal.
  • Go to bed on time.
  • Write down your worries…then throw them away.
  • Make a list of things you’re thankful for.
  • Get outside for a while. Take some time to breath in some fresh air and get a new perspective.
  • Laugh, laugh, and laugh some more. The Bible says a joyful heart is a good medicine because laughter lifts your spirits; improves your mental, emotional and physical health; and de-stresses your mind. And (here is the best part) . . . it costs nothing (see Proverbs 17:22). 

As we get closer and closer to Christmas, make plans to spend time celebrating the greatest gift of all—Jesus!

The Power of Peace

Need some peace in your life? Learn how to practice peace in your life every day. Read More 


“The peace Jesus gives is a totally different quality of peace than what the world gives. It’s a peace that passes our understanding; it makes us peaceful when all natural reasoning says we should be upset.” 


Make a “Top 10” list this week. What are the top 10 things during Christmastime that cause you to rush and hurry the most? What can you do about some of these things? Are there creative ways to slow down and be at peace? 

Then, take 20 minutes today to unplug—no television, no phone, no tablet or computer. Use those minutes to rest, pray, relax, and reflect.


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