Grace, Hope, and Love

Armed with the Mind of Christ

Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. — 1 Peter 4:1-2

Most Christ followers readily embrace the reality of Christ’s suffering. We may even find comfort in the fact that He suffered for us. However, the idea that we should be willing to suffer, or even rejoice in the midst of suffering, is a proposition too difficult for most people to accept. Yet that is the message of the gospel. Christ endured the wrath of God and suffered on the cross of Calvary in our place that we might endure the suffering of this world and stand in victory for His glory.

Easier said than done? Yes. That is why we must “arm” ourselves with the mind of Christ. The ability to journey the road of suffering while giving God glory can only be accomplished as we walk in Christ and display His attitude. This does not mean we enjoy life’s testing times, but it does mean we can rejoice in the midst of difficult moments.

Rest in this truth: the same resurrection power that frees you from the slavery of sin and gives you the ability to live according to God’s will also sustains you in the midst of suffering. He really is working for your good and His glory, so don’t waste the tough times. Embrace His will.

Dear Jesus, thank You for enduring the Cross for my sin. Help me to have a Christlike attitude and walk according to Your will as I face tough times in life. Amen.


Great Is Thy Faithfulness!

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. — Lamentations 3:25-26

One of the most popular hymns of the past one hundred years is “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” This hymn, which recounts the faithfulness and mercy of God, was written by a surprisingly sickly and fragile man, Thomas Chisholm. Chisholm spent much of his adult life confined to a bed due to illness. Even in his infirmity, Chisholm recognized that God was faithful and merciful in the face of his sickness. Chisholm understood that God’s faithful- ness and mercy were not contingent upon his physical state, impoverished lifestyle, or popularity amongst his peers. Rather than basing God’s faithfulness on his personal comfort, Chisholm concluded that God was faithful based upon the promise God gave in Lamentations 3 to deliver mercy to His people each morning!

Like Chisholm, our life circumstances will not always be as favorable as we would like. In these moments, it is necessary that we turn to Scripture and recognize that our circumstances are never greater than the promises God has given us. Each day we open our eyes is an opportunity to experience the faithfulness of God. When suffering and struggle seem to be daily occurrences, we must rest in knowing the eternal faithfulness of God will trump temporary trials.

Dear merciful Father, as I face a variety of issues throughout my life, guide me to know Your faithfulness. Thank You for giving me the patience to endure trials and help me see that Your mercy is all I need. Amen.

Excerpted from 
Grace, Hope, and Love by Johnny Hunt.

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Grace, Hope, and Love is an inspirational weekly devotional that will encourage and instruct your heart in the ways of the Lord. Fifty-one Southern Baptist pastors and ministry leaders wrote these wise and insightful daily devotions on the timeless topics of the grace, hope, and love God offers His children.

The eighth annual MyDaily® devotional, compiled by Johnny Hunt, will be an excellent addition to your daily quiet time as you seek to draw near to the Lord. The unique viewpoints of 51 respected church leaders, including Dr. James Merritt, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Dr. Grant Ethridge, Dr. Don Wilton, Dr. Ted Traylor, and Dr. Michael Cloer, offer you deep wisdom and insight into the heart of God toward His children.

Designed with an attractive, luxury package, Grace, Hope, and Lovewill be a beautiful gift as well as a top choice for those looking for a biblically solid and practical yearlong devotional.

"This would make an excellent masculine devotional. This would also be the perfect gift for a new convert.

The devotions are a reminder of how God wants us to live and to also remind us to live in the center of his will. They also remind us that no matter what our trial may be, God has it covered for us. "

— Sally J., reader


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