The Christmas Code

You shall call His name Jesus… They shall call His name Immanuel.
Matthew 1:21, Matthew 1:23

There is an interesting psychology in the naming of our children. Some are named with family names to retain a family heritage. I am often asked what O. S. stands for, and I am quick to say, “Omar Sharif.” But the truth is, my initials represent family names — Otis Swafford. And now you know why I use O. S. on the covers of my books. Others are named for an attribute their parents desire their child to achieve in life: Faith or Hope, for example.

In the Bible, names have specific meanings. Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter because he saw the potential for him to be a “rock.” Joseph’s name was changed to Barnabas (which means “Son of Encouragement”) because every time he had center stage, he was encouraging the early believers.

During these days let’s pause to think of the names given to our Lord. 

The mission of Christmas is in His name: Jesus. And the message of Christmas is in His name as well: Immanuel.

Code Word: NAME

What does your name mean? The next time you sign a check or a note and look at your name, think about it. Names matter… and the one name that is above all others is Jesus!

Lord, help me wear the name “Christian” with integrity and honor today. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Excerpted from 
The Christmas Codeby O. S. Hawkins.

Draw near to the Lord this Advent season with 25 insightful and meaningful devotions from The Christmas Code by bestselling author O. S. Hawkins. Trace the birth of Jesus from its roots in the Old Testament to the ultimate gift of God: salvation. With a short reading each day leading up to Christmas, this devotional will be the perfect way to keep daily focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

For a limited time at only $1.79, this booklet is an excellent value and a gift of appreciation and affection for the people in your life. It is a great gift for friends and family, teachers, pastoral staff, Bible study groups, church congregations, and service providers.

Each day includes a passage of Scripture, a devotional thought, a Code Word, and a prayer of reflection.

Royalties from the book are donated to Mission:Dignity, a ministry that helps men and women who have faithfully served God’s people for modest pay retire with well-deserved dignity, independence, and often the ability to continue serving.



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