David Vs Goliath

It's the most timeless underdog story in all of history: David versus Goliath.

A shepherd boy that no one believed in, looking up at a nine-foot giant that everyone believed was undefeatable. 

It's a story we apply to business to sports to politics... to a wide assortment of challenges and struggles that each of us face in our lives. 

And in every version of this story we want to see ourselves as David.

It's easy to think… 

If I could just be like David, I could fight the giants in my life.

We all have a giant. 

That’s the bad news.

But here's the GOOD NEWS. 

We are not David.

The story of David is not the story about us…
It’s ultimately a story about Jesus, the one who slayed not just one giant, but every giant. 

For all time, for all people, Jesus is the ultimate giant slayer.  

This is the message at the center of Goliath Must Fall, a new community Online Bible study with Louie Giglio. 

This Goliath Must Fall study is all about experiencing the power of Jesus to live in victory over the giants in your life.

Each session of this six-week study will equip you with practical, hands-on steps to take after engaging in Louie’s talks and passages from the Bible. Louie examines the David and Goliath story in a way you may not have heard before, focusing on the size of our God, not the height of your giants.

Are you ready for your giants to fall? Are you ready to gain freedom to walk in the victory Christ has already won over the enemies that rob you of God’s best for your life?

Join us for this FREE online Bible study, Goliath Must Fall.


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