Bedtime Prayers

Give your child peace and reassurance before falling asleep with these Bible verses.

Bedtime is an intimate appointment with our children. Our kids need certain cues before falling asleep to let them know all is well. In every home bedtime routines are slightly different. Perhaps in your home you sing a lullaby, give a big hug, pray, wrap your child in a special blanket or talk about plans for tomorrow. Whatever your normal bedtime game plan is, there’s no doubt children gain security by going through the same motions and receiving reminders of your unwavering love.

God’s Word can be part of this routine.

Some moms can get pretty ambitious with bedtime routines. We want to fit in so many cute elements that the plan just becomes too much to implement every single night. Or there are many of us who just get plain ol' tired of bedtime routines because, well, at the end of the day we are tired and  ready for some quiet and alone time. Either way, today I want to remind us all (myself included) of what’s most important: God’s Word.

Nothing will soothe a child’s heart, while directing them to our Savior quite like God’s Word.

Reading, writing, or saying God’s Word together are all special practices, but there is something uniquely powerful about praying God’s Word with our children.

We pray scripture with our children so that their hearts line up with God’s truth.

What a privilege we have as moms to pray these words over our children and ourselves as we bring our thoughts into submission with God’s will.
Here are five simple ideas to spark your imagination on how to choose a scripture to pray at bedtime.

1. Choose a scripture based on your children’s fears.

Bring these fears to light by lovingly asking your child what he/she is afraid of lately. Then pray this simple verse. When I am afraid, I will trust in You. — Psalm 56:3 HCSB

2. Choose a scripture based on gratitude.

Have each family member share what he or she is thankful for. Then incorporate this verse in a prayer.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” — James 1:17 NIV

3. Choose a scripture based on your children’s future. 

Regardless of what career our son or daughter chooses, we want their steps to be firmly established.The Lord makes firm steps of the one who delights in Him. — Psalm 37:23

4. Choose a scripture based on struggles within the family. 

Is there a trial or challenge your family is facing? Talk about it and pray,but with God all things are possible. — Matthew 19:26b NIV

5. Choose a scripture based on your current family’s mission.

Whether you are on vacation or merely visiting the library, pray for boldness to share the gospel.Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. — Ephesians 6:19 NIV

Dear friends, these are just a few ideas, but feel free to make your prayers your own. Our kids need the comfort and love of mom and dad, but even more, they need the everlasting love of their Savior.


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