God of the Present Tense
If you could peek into the minds of people around you, chances are you’d find very few of them completely absorbed in the moment they are living right now. Some may be replaying a conversation they just had, thinking of all the things they should have said. Others are dreaming about a person they’re excited to see, and what outfit they should wear (or buy). A few might be going over a presentation they’re about to make, just to be sure they’ve got it down. And at least half the population is thinking about a sports team, and why in the world they gave away that point. Our minds meander from the past to the future, with only brief stops in the present. Most of our emotions are tied to something that was or will be — until that rare moment when something demands all our attention, propelling us to live entirely in the now. These can be our most promising moments, for it is in the now that God can be found. Henri Nouwen writes, “If we could just be, for a few minutes each day