More to Your Story

God’s story is glorious, surprising, victorious, and beautiful. His story, when we really listen closely, is our story.

Do you remember a time you got lost? Perhaps it was a crowded day at the mall, and you wandered away from Dad and Mom for just a moment, and they were gone. You felt the paralyzing fear of looking around and failing to see the north star of your parents’ strong presence. You were lost.

Maybe it was a school trip to the zoo and you inadvertently lingered at the monkey cage while the rest of the class moved on. Before you knew it, you were alone. People were everywhere, but not a face in the crowd was familiar. Lost!

It might have been a drive late at night, and a wrong turn spun you around, and, truth be known, you had no idea where to go next.

These moments of lostness can leave a pit in your stomach and bring fear to your soul… until the store clerk finds your parents, your teacher taps you on the shoulder and says, “Keep up with the class,” or a gas station attendant pulls out a map and shows you how to get back on the interstate.

What is even worse is coming to a point in life when we realize that we have lost our way as a human being. We might know our mailing address and how to get to school, work, or church, but we are not sure why we are on this planet. We have no sense of our purpose.

It is in these moments that we look to God, the Master Storyteller, and discover that the best way to understand our story is to listen to his. As we understand God’s story and where we fit within it, the haze begins to clear and our story begins to make sense.

For whatever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Rom. 15:4.


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