God Will Never Leave You Alone‏

The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them. - Luke 19:10

Our God is the God who follows.

Have you sensed Him following you? He is the one who came to seek and save the lost. Have you sensed Him seeking you?

Have you felt His presence through the kindness of a stranger? Through the majesty of a sunset or the mystery of romance? Through the question of a child or the commitment of a spouse? Through a word well spoken or a touch well timed, have you sensed Him?...

God gives us Himself.

Even when we choose our hovel over His house and our trash over His grace, still He follows. Never forcing us. Never leaving us. Patiently persistent. Faithfully present. He uses all His power to convince us that He is who He is and He can be trusted to lead us home.

Excerpted from Grace for the Moment  by Max Lucado.


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