Making the Resurrection Real for Children‏

Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness. Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. —Psalm 145:3–5 NLT

The television host leaned over to make sure the microphone was close to the precocious girl’s mouth. He’d just asked her, along with a panel of other school-aged children, about the real meaning of Easter. Her classmates’ answers ranged from getting candy and trinkets from the Easter Bunny to marking the official beginning of spring.

This youngster seemed to have an answer that was more spiritual and accurate than the others:

“Easter is the time when Jesus died on a cross for our sins and got buried in a tomb.”

“That’s right!” the host responded. “But He didn’t stay in the grave, did He, honey? Tell the audience what happened next.”

“Oh, that’s easy!” she exclaimed. “He rose from the dead and came out of the grave.” The host smiled and started to commend the little girl for her correct answer. But before he could, the no longer camera-shy student heartily added, “And each year, if He sees His shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter!”

Holiday traditions can get mixed in with the real essence of holy days, which can be confusing, like when that sweet girl merged Easter with Groundhog Day. As a child, I wondered what Santa caravanning his reindeer through snowstorms had to do with baby Jesus being born in Bethlehem. And I never did figure out why the Easter Bunny brought me chocolate eggs each year. Didn’t chickens, not rabbits, lay eggs?

Today’s passage from Psalms encourages us to teach our children about God’s mighty acts. I can’t think of a more powerful act than when God raised His only Son, Jesus, from the dead, making a way for us to gain access to heaven to live with Him for all eternity.

There are many fun, family-bonding traditions to celebrate throughout the year, whether at Easter, Christmas, or even a birthday. With a little thought and planning, we can also work into our celebrations the reminder that the greatest celebration of all is centered on Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. It is the meaning of Easter, the fulfillment of Christmas, and the new birth we are all invited to experience.

Let’s be intentional about telling of God’s mighty act of raising Jesus from the dead to the generations that come after us. Fun traditions are enjoyable and memorable, but the truth of the redemption story is the most wonderful news of all!

Dear Lord, help me to tell of Your wondrous power and mighty acts to those generations that come after me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being never and 10 being always), how intentional are you about bringing Christ and the story of salvation into your celebrations?

How would you like to see this change in the future of your family celebrations?

Excerpted from Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments For Moms To Meet With Jesus by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk.


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