
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Beauty of Grace.

GRACE HEAPED UPON GRACE . But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever Amen (2 Peter 3:18 ) Did you know that you could walk in ever increasing grace? This is what God wants for your life: grace heaped upon grace such that no matter the challenges you face, the grace to put you over is available.   John 1:16 says, “ And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace .” The Amplified version says, “ For out of His fullness [the superabundance of His grace and truth] we have all received grace upon grace [spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing, favor upon favor, and gift heaped upon gift] .” The Greek margin actually says, “Grace heaped upon grace.” This encompasses spiritual blessings, favours, gifts, etc. Every day, be conscious that you have grace for whatever you need and for anything you have to do. The grace of God on your life is the inner working of the glory and power of God that ra

Casual Sex!

Many people wonder what the big deal with casual sex is. For many it begins like this: They’re on a date, and kissing begins to turn into something more. They know what the Bible says about sex before marriage but they’re excited and feeling good about where things are going. Surely, God won’t mind. They believe that once they do get married, they’re sure they’ll be able to commit to that one special person, but for now, what’s the problem with having some fun and exploring sex? For a lot of people, sex is no big deal. Purity and chastity seem to be virtues that have gone out of fashion. The crisis of values has led many young people to see sex as the center of their dating relationship. Many people believe it’s for fun and pleasure, but it doesn’t have to be confined to a committed marriage. In fact, a lot of people would say, “sleep with as many people as you can,” or “have as much sex as you can!” These are the messages and cues we receive from the media – in magazines, on TV and on


Is it wrong to cremate a person’s body according to the Bible? Historically, cremation has not been part of the Christian tradition. Early Christians agreed with their Jewish ancestors that cremation was not an option they would consider, even though the Bible includes no specific mandate prohibiting it. However, this view has transformed over the years. Today, many of us have friends or family members who were cremated and cremation is sounding more and more like something we might consider for ourselves. But is cremation an acceptable option for Christians? Many factors influence a person’s choice on what to do with the body after death. Some of these factors include wealth of the family, the status of the individual, the climate of the country, health, sanitation and religious beliefs, among other things. Among these variables comes the debate of burial vs. cremation. The previously named factors contribute to the choices that each individual and family will make with respect to the


And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them (Acts 16:25). Something remarkable about the way Paul and Silas praised the Lord in Acts 16 was that they were exuberant in their praise and worship of the Lord. It was supposed to be for them a moment of gloom, loneliness and despondency, but rather than be overwhelmed with despair, they sang praises unto God. They didn’t just mutter songs quietly, fearful of the prison guards, they sang as loud as they could such that the prisoners heard them. This is one of the faith-ways to respond in the face of contrary situations; you praise and worship the Lord exuberantly, knowing that in Him you’re more than a conqueror. If it seems as though you’re in the “darkest hour” of your life, don’t despair! Don’t try to remind God of the problem, no; praise Him! You might say, “But if I don’t tell Him my problems, He won’t know what’s on my mind”; you’re wrong. He knows everything, because He’s God. Take yo


ACTIVATE GOD’S POWER THROUGH PRAISE BY PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME. 2 Chronicles 20:21-22 TLB “After consultation with the leaders of the people, he determined that there should be a choir leading the march, clothed in sanctified garments and singing the song “His Loving-Kindness Is Forever” as they walked along praising and thanking the Lord! And at the moment they began to sing and to praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to begin fighting among themselves, and they destroyed each other! Three nations—Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir—had come out against Judah and were ready to attack her. The people of Judah became frantic and began to cry out in fear. However, their king, Jehoshaphat, decided to gather all the people together for a prayer and fasting meeting. As they prayed, God revealed to them the exact location of their enemies’ camp, and gave them a very unique strategy to defeat them: they were not to fight but to sing praises to His Name! 2 Chronicles 20:22