
There is a woman named Abigail in 1 Samuel 25 who had to decide between grace and bitterness. Abigail was a woman well acquainted with hardship, negative people, rejection, and things not turning out as I’m sure she wished they would. But somehow she remained steady. And her steadiness proved to have a profound impact on the life of David. This is the David who defeated Goliath, who became the king of Israel, who, though he fell and faltered many times, God said was a man after His own heart. This David is the one from whose bloodline King Jesus would come. Abigail isn’t talked about or heralded much today. I’m not sure why. When everyone else arrives in heaven and is clamoring to have coffee with the saints of old, she’s one who will be at the top of my list. I feel pretty certain we are destined to be BFFs. Of course, she doesn’t know this, so if you get there before me, please don’t tell her and make her think I fall in the creeper-stalker category. But seriously, I adore this w...