
Showing posts from 2015

Simplify Your Prayers

I've learned that simple, heartfelt, full-of-faith prayers always get God's attention. Unfortunately, we often overlook this and turn our prayers into a big show.  We have to beware of talking to impress ourselves when we're praying. Sometimes I think we just want to sound eloquent. We want to impress God with our phrases and sound holy. But God just wants to have a little chat with us.  He wants us to talk to Him like we would a friend, not with a different tone of voice. If we don't speak Elizabethan English during the day, we don't need to use it when we pray.  We also don't have to pray for hours on end. It's good to schedule prayer time, but we should just pray until we're finished and then go about our business until the next time we feel the need to pray some more.  The only way prayer will ever be satisfying is if you simply use it as an opportunity to get God's help and involve Him in everything you do. He's not here to be impr

The Exhausting Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness is elusive and coy, nothing more than a temporary, fleeting emotion. Even if captured for a moment, happiness cannot deliver on its promises. To pursue happiness is akin to grasping at the wind, hoping each fistful we seize will bring the lasting satisfaction we crave in our aching souls. You can exhaust all of your time, energy, and money in its pursuits, only to be left thinking there’s got to be more. Anytime we attempt to fill our souls with temporary fillers to satisfy a permanent longing, the result will always be unrest. In Colossians 3:1–2, Paul exhorted believers to seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on the things that are above, not on things that are on earth. The Greek word for “seek” is zētĕō , and it means “to worship (God), or to plot (against life); to desire, endeavour.” Let that definition sink in for a minute. It beautifully describes the tug-of-war raging in our souls

Tribute to GRACE.

In memory of Grace Safuratu Gabari 1947-1985 ATINUKE your tiny little baby is doing extremely well with the latest addition to the family. She's a great mom to two cute boys even though she never really enjoyed your physical presence. Ma TEGA the first fruit of your strength and vigorous youth has and will always be a mother figure to us all. Oh how inspiring she has been, her strength and tenacity gave us a landmark to follow. And amazingly our kids call her grandma, yeah she does have a touch of you. OMONIGHO your favorite is always full of smiles in spite an health challenge. Its nothing to worry about because, no infirmity can strive in her body. She's mom to three lovelies, your eldest grand daughters. ISIMEME is still the liberal one, and resourceful too. She keeps everyone on check and does well in passing information across just so no one is left out. She's mom to two young men and still keeps her collection of shoes. I still remember the last time I saw

Unfailing Love.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. – Psalm 143:8 NIV

God is Love.

You can’t love a fellow creature fully till you love God. Our relationship with God must be recognized as “older and closer.” The first commandment is to love the Lord our God, and the second is to love one another.